Fictional Battle Omniverse Wiki
  • Below Human Level: Incapable of tanking things that a normal human could
  • Human Level: Can survive things normal humans can.
  • Wall/Tree Level: Can survive impacts such as speeding cars and attacks that would destroy a tree or a brick wall, or even variable of metal walls.
  • Peak Human Level: Can survive small pistol and small blade wounds and or a small car.
  • Super Human Level: Can survive being hit by medium sized cars and or tank mid sized blades or high speed bullets.
  • Meta-Human level: Can survive various weapons without effort. (Rapid weapons like a motor.)
  • Street Level: Can survive being ran over by trunks or large sized cars and survive large blades and bullets.
  • Small Building Level: Can survive conventional explosive devices, Large sized bullets like a rail-gun projectiles and other attacks that would destroy a small building.
  • Medium Building Level: Can survive attacks that would destroy at least anywhere from a two story house to a five story building.
  • Large Building level: Can survive a attack that can destroy a castle sized building.
  • Huge Building Level: Can survive attacks that would destroy a skyscraper or any other kind of Huge building.
  • City Block Level: Can survive a attack that can destroy a entire city block.
  • Multi-City Block Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple city blocks like a MOAB.
  • Town Level: Can survive attacks that would destroy towns such as a typical tsunami or a nuclear building meltdown.
  • City Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire city such as a regular nuclear bomb.
  • Multi-City Level: Can survive an attack that can destroy entire cities which is 2 nuclear bombs.
  • Mountain Level: Can survive mountain level attacks.
  • Multi-Mountain Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire multiple mountains.
  • Island Level: Can survive attacks that would explode/destroy entire island.
  • Multi-Island Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple islands.
  • State Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy a entire State.
  • Multi-State: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple states.
  • Country Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire countries.
  • Multi-Country Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multi-countries.
  • Continent Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire continents or small meteorites.
  • Multi-Continent Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple continents or a large meteorite.
  • Life Wiper Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy the surface of a planet.
  • Meteorite Level: Can survive attacks from a meteorite.
  • Multi-Meteorite Level: Can survive attacks of multiple meteorites.
  • Moon (Planetoid) Level: Can survive attacks that can blow the moon,or entire planetoids.
  • Planet Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy an entire planet.
  • Multi-Planet Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy large planets, or even multiple planets at once.
  • Star Level: Can survive a star sized attack's like a shooting star.
  • Sun Level: Can survive the sun and its explosion.
  • Multi-Sun Level: Can survive multi-sun explosions and its heat.
  • Star System Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire star systems.
  • Solar System Level: Can survive an attack that can destroy an entire solar system.
  • Multi-Solar System Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple solar systems.
  • Galaxy Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire galaxies.
  • Multi-Galaxy Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple galaxies.
  • Universe Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy universes/dimensions.
  • Multi-Universe Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple universes.
  • Multiverse Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple universes.
  • Multi-Multiverse Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy multiple universes.
  • Megaverse Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy entire collections of multiverses.
  • Omniverse Level: Can survive attacks that can destroy all dimensions/universes. (Only omnipotent being's can do this and mentioned even death can survive.)